Sporttourism - Fast. Far. Deep. High.

365 Sporttourism

Adding activity tutorial

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Before data entering

Before inserting new activities we advise you to prepare all texts and photos which you want to ad next to the activity. The texts should precisely describe the activity and attract the readers. The optimal length is between 150 and 180 words (up to 1200 signs with spaces). Users notice the images first so make sure they are in good quality in order to sell your activities better. Moreover, the images should be optimized to 72 dpi (web page image standard) and not larger than 500 kb (50 to 100 is enough).

Backoffice editing is in English thus making it simple for all users in the world. After typing the activity name, and before you continue with the calendar, it is recommended to click on Insert button on the top of the page. We also advise you to click on Update from time to time to prevent losing already entered data for any reason (network disconnection, automatic log off...). 

General information

Adding activity tutorial


There is Activity code under General information which is added automatically to each new activity and you are not allowed to change it. Next step is choosing the type of your activity in the Activity type box, (e.g. Mountain bike). If the type of your activity does not exist, please be free to contact us and we will create a new entry. By that time please choose the type which is the most similar to your activity.


In the Activity box you can type in activity name. Each activity generates its URL (Uniform Resource Locator – page location). Start with the place where the activity is performed, click on space and continue with optimal activity name. You will notice that you need to add the activity name in all languages (English, Croatian...).


Minimal number of persons per date means the minimal number of people need to book this activity for specific date so that activity can be performed.

Maximal number of persons per date signifies the maximum number of people that can book the activity for that date.


Latest booking indicates the latest date (number of days before the beginning of the activity) when the certain activity can be booked.




Adding activity tutorial

Calendar is used by users to choose and book the activities on the dates which are available and which you determine. It is therefore very important to regularly update your available dates.


In order to select available dates you can click on certain dates individually and use Select individual dates. If you want to select longer time period we advise you to use Select date range, click on the first and last available date, scroll at the top of the page and click on Update. If you wish to select a longer time period, but not with all dates included, first you need to choose longer period at Select date range, then you click on Update and finally go to Select individual dates where you unselect the dates and click on Update again.



Start time & Notes

Adding activity tutorial


Start time & Notes field gives information on the starting period and some other details. Enter the time when users have to be at the specific meeting point (e.g. 17.00 or 5 pm). You can also describe some of the main highlights of the activity. It is obligatory to specify the percentage of the price that has to be paid at booking. For example: Booking is in addition of 20% of full amount, the rest you can pay at site in cash.


Duration indicates the approximate number of hours of the activity duration.


Some activities have their specific length so you can indicate that by clicking on Length and enter the kilometres.


Price list

Adding activity tutorial


Price list shows the price of certain activity. You need to specify the number of persons and price in euro. Sometimes the price for more persons is different and lower than the price for one person. The upper example shows that the price for one person is €20 and for 5 and more persons €18 per person.


The price you indicate is always per person, no matter what number of persons you enter.




Adding activity tutorial


It includes special discounts which you may or may not indicate.


You can enter the discount for children with the age limit of 12 years. In this example all children under 12 will get 4% discount on the price you entered in the previous step.


Early bird is a discount for people who book your activity very early. For example, everyone who books the activity 38 days in advance gets 5% discount.


Last minute discount is for people who book the activity very late. For example, if you know that there are 3 more places left in the group you can point out special discount which can be used 4 days before the beginning of the activity.




Adding activity tutorial


Location indicates Google map location of your activity. First you select Region from the menu and enter the region of your activity. It is very important for the search engine. Next, you select City and enter the name of the place in all languages, then the address, if there is any, and finally geographical latitude and longitude.


If you do not know the latitude and longitude of your place you can easily find it if you open a new tab with Google map, find your place, click on it with the right click and choose What’s here?. In the top left window you will see the numbers separated by decimal character. The first number is latitude, the second is longitude.




Adding activity tutorial


It is a description of your activity. The ideal description would be about 150 words where you clearly describe your activity. The best way to start is the appealing paragraph which shows why your activity, or its geographical surrounding, is so special.


Then, shortly describe your activity and inform about important news (e.g. additional payment for extra services, lunch, tickets...). Our example shows the longest text version. You should try to make it shorter and your activity can be later supported by great photos.


It is necessary to enter the text in all available languages. If not, the English version will be shown everywhere you left the empty field.



Additional information

Adding activity tutorial

Additional information includes extra facts you want to share with users in order to inform them in more detailed way and to lower the number of their possible questions.


Includes is for entering everything you provide to the users when they arrive at the activity. In other words, everything that is included in the price.


Under To take category you enter your advice to users on what to bring with them for certain activity. It can be obligatory equipment or something that can be useful during activity.




Adding activity tutorial


Restrictions includes parameters which have to be fulfilled by user in order to be able to book the activity. Some of these parameters are unimportant for certain activities so you can leave them out.


Here you enter minimum age the user must be in order to perform your activity, as well as maximum age.


Health condition category has a menu where you select the level of user’s health condition which is necessary for your activity. The same thing stands for the Experience level


Watching point is an option on which you can put a tick with a click if it is suitable for people who just watch or love photosessions for instance.


For people with disabilities is a category where you need to mark if your activity is suitable for people with special needs.



Around activities

Adding activity tutorial


Around activities are all the activities and locations that you find attractive and tempting for your users. It can additionally strengthen the interest of your offer. For instance, you can enter the sights that users are able to see during your activity.


Each around activity can be categorized in the menu, e.g. church, island, shopping mall etc. You can also give information on the distance from your starting point (km).



Cancellation policy

Adding activity tutorial


Cancellation policy is where you enter cancellation conditions which are identical to those you signed in the Contract with Those conditions are displayed to the customer before the payment is processed so it is important to make the conditions clear.


Here you also enter the number of days before the activity start when customer can cancel the activity and ask for reservation refund from



Meta tags

Adding activity tutorial


Meta description and meta key words, under mutual name Meta tags, define short description of your activity which appears in links. The best example is Facebook link and key words that help your activity to be easily found in search engines.


In the Keywords field you can enter your activity key words and separate them by comma.


Description – enter one or two sentences, not longer than 50 words, which best describe your activity.


The procedure is the same for all languages. When you finish go to the top of the page and click on Update.




Adding activity tutorial


Check if you have already clicked on Update on the top of the page and if you have prepared photographs for your activity. You can start now with the image upload.


The first image you upload will be chosen by the system as the main one that will appear for your activity. You can change it later but why not doing it immediately. We advise you to choose the most attractive one!


When you are ready click on Browse next to New image and mark the image you have chosen from your archive. Then click on Update gallery. The system automatically generates the upload and brings you back at the top of the page. Repeat the procedure until you upload 10 images maximum.


Please pay attention that your images are optimized to 72 dpi (web page image standard) and not larger than 500kb. Between 50 and 100kb is just fine. After your last upload we advise you to click on Update once again.


When you finish and want to leave Backoffice, you should always log off. It is at the bottom of our home page.

Congratulations! You have just finished with the most difficult part, from now on let the system work for you!


Thank you for your cooperation,



Your team



Reasons for choosing us

Great prices, Max. satisfaction
We are providing you the opportunity to choose from an array of various activities at very good prices! Try and gain the maximum possible satisfaction!

Maximum choice
Fast. Far. Deep. High. This is our motto. Choose among numerous of activities, and be ready for new experiences at any time.

Satisfied clients
Satisfied clients are our greatest asset. We are offering you quality activities led by expert teams. All you have to do is relax and feel the fun!

Multilingual interface
You can select your preferred language from the ones we offer. All our partners providing you with numerous activities speak several languages. Check your next one!

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